PrograPrint Clean

L'unité de nettoyage efficace pour les objets imprimés en 3D
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Engineered to meet dental needs

PrograPrint Clean is designed for cleaning printed 3D objects with isopropanol (IPA). Printed objects can be left on the build platform when they are cleaned in the cleaning unit.

The PrograPrint Clean unit is a component of the PrograPrint system – a 3D printing system specially designed for dental applications. PrograPrint consists of the PrograPrint PR5 3D printer, coordinated cleaning and post-curing units and an array of resin materials.

The cleaner features a self-reversing magnetic stirrer and a two-stage cleaning option for optimum results. The cleaner features a sturdy and durable stainless steel construction. It is coordinated for use with the ProArt Print materials. The unit is TÜV tested. Note: PrograPrint Clean must be used in a fume cupboard. The instructions and notices in the operating instructions of the device must be observed.

  • TÜV tested
  • Sturdy stainless steel construction
  • Holder for the PrograPrint Stage
  • Two cleaning containers for pre- and post-cleaning
  • Powerful magnetic stirrer with self-reversing mechanism
  • Cleaning 3D printed objects made of ProArt Print materials
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