IPS e.max CAD


IPS e.max CAD是世界上最畅销的玻璃陶瓷[1]。它适用于高效地制作全口修复体,并以其多功能的应用、全面的加工选择和530兆帕的高强度而闻名[2].


IPS e.max CAD现在比以前更快。使用Programat CS6仅需11:10分钟即可完成修复体的结晶.[14]



超过10年的持续质量测试表明,IPS e.max CAD具有530兆帕的高双轴抗弯强度[2]. 此外,它还显示了2.11 MPa m1/2的高断裂韧性[3]。这种组合在微创牙科中尤其受到追捧.




使用Programat CS6组合炉,IPS e.max CAD修复体的结晶速度比以往任何时候都要快,而且效果高度美观


从牙冠、咬合贴面、嵌体到混合基台--IPS e.max CAD在CAD/CAM玻璃陶瓷领域的应用范围是无与伦比的




IPS e.max CAD修复体可以根据修复体的类型,采用粘接、自粘或传统方式进行粘接[7-9]. 这使您可以根据不同的临床情况选择合适的粘接方法 


您可以为所有植入的IPS e.max CAD修复体提供10年的质量保证。对于2015年7月1日或之后永久放置的修复体,IPS e.max保证也可追溯5年


Hidetaka Sasaki, 日本

"我使用IPS e.max CAD提供椅旁治疗已经有十年左右了。这种材料在强度、美学、生物相容性和可靠性方面提供了一个特殊的平衡"

Dominique Vinci, 瑞士

"我可以信赖传说中的蓝块: 审美效果非常好,关于寿命和稳定性的临床长期研究也令人印象深刻"

Sameer Puri, 美国

"Telio CAD A16 和 IPS e.max CAD 块状体可以最佳地相互补充。因此,为CAD/CAM用户提供了一个完整的数字化工作流程,使他们能够可靠地制作临时修复体和永久性混合基台冠"

Oliver Schneider, 德国

"在临床应用中使用IPS e.max CAD已经十年了,我仍然被这种材料的可靠性、高审美性和生物相容性所吸引。我们在椅旁成功制作了大量的桥体,这表明这种材料为患者和操作者开辟了新的空间"
关于IPS e.max CAD的的概述,请点击这里下载信息图
  • 牙冠
  • 嵌体
  • 嵌体(咬合贴面、部分冠)
  • 贴面
  • 以第二前磨牙为终端基台的三单元桥体
  • 种植体支持的混合修复(混合基台、混合基台牙冠)



≥前牙和后牙≥1.0毫米;微创牙冠 (1 毫米)
≥ 0,4 毫米
≥ 1,0 毫米
for the replacement of single teeth
High biaxial flexural strength of 530 MPa[2]
Versatile processing options

Our well-coordinated range of products offers flexibility in every respect and allows you to choose your preferred processing method – whether you prioritize the most efficient way or highly esthetic results. 

Polishing technique (self glaze)
Polishing of the blue restoration, followed by speed crystallization without individual characterization and glazing.
Staining technique on the blue restoration - option A
Glazing with IPS e.max CAD Crystall./Glaze Spray on the blue restoration, followed by speed crystallization (speed crystallization and glaze firing in one step).
Staining technique on the blue restoration - option B
Characterization and glazing with IPS e.max CAD Crystall./ Glaze Paste/FLUO on the blue restoration, followed by crystallization and stain/glaze firing in one step.
Staining technique on the blue restoration - option C
Characterization and glazing with IPS e.max CAD Crystall./ Glaze Spray on the blue restoration, followed by crystallization and stain/glaze firing in one step.
Staining technique on the tooth-coloured restoration
Crystallization without the application of materials. Stain/Glaze firing of the tooth-coloured restorations with either IPS e.max CAD Crystall./ or IPS Ivocolor materials.
Cut-back technique
Crystallization without the application of materials. Incisal firing using IPS e.max Ceram materials. Stain/Glaze firing using IPS Ivocolor materials.
Layering technique
Crystallization without the application of materials. Dentin/Incisal firing using IPS e.max Ceram materials. Stain/Glaze firing using IPS Ivocolor materials.
Always the right block

The IPS e.max CAD blocks are available in a wide variety of sizes, shades and translucency levels*. This enhances your flexibility, since you always have a suitable block in the desired shade at your disposal. Excellent shade match due to a comprehensive range of shades and translucency levels provides maximum esthetics.

A suitable block for every patient:

  • IPS e.max CAD HT (High Translucency) – the minimally invasive block

  • IPS e.max CAD MT (Medium Translucency) – the bright block

  • IPS e.max CAD LT (Low Translucency) – the versatile block

  • IPS e.max CAD MO (Medium Opacity) – the classical block

  • IPS e.max CAD I (Impulse) – the opalescent block

The minimally invasive block
IPS e.max CAD HT (High Translucency) 

Given their high translucency, HT blocks are ideally suitable for the fabrication of smaller restorations (e.g. inlays, onlays). Restorations made of HT blocks blend in seamlessly with the natural dentition due to their chameleon effect.

The bright block
IPS e.max CAD MT (Medium Translucency)

MT blocks demonstrate medium translucency and are used for restorations that require more brightness than HT restorations and more translucency that LT restorations.

The versatile block
IPS e.max CAD LT (Low Translucency)

Given their low translucency, LT blocks are ideal for the fabrication of larger restorations (e.g. posterior crowns). Restorations made from LT blocks are characterized by their lifelike brightness and chroma.

The classical block
IPS e.max CAD MO (Medium Opacity)

Given their particular opacity, MO blocks are ideally suitable for the fabrication of frameworks on slightly discoloured preparations. They are primarily used in the dental laboratory.

The opalescent block
IPS e.max CAD I (Impulse)

The Impulse blocks enable the fabrication of restorations with pronounced opalescent properties. The opalescent blocks are available in two versions with different opalescence values. The blocks are suitable for veneers in light tooth shades, which require an opalescent effect.

Block overview for CEREC®
Block overview for PlanMill®
Block overview for PrograMill

IPS e.max Shade Navigation App

Our smart app provides valuable assistance in selecting the ideal block in the appropriate shade and translucency. Select the suitable block in just five clicks.
Learn more
Suitable holder for your system

IPS e.max blocks are equipped with a holder for the authorized CAD/CAM systems of PrograMill (Ivoclar), CEREC® (Dentsply Sirona), PlanMill® (Planmeca) and ceramill® (Amann Girrbach).

Everything for your CAD/CAM chairside treatment

Our materials ideally complement each other. They open up a host of chairside treatment possibilities.