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    A-dec ICX Waterline Treatment Tablets / 50

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    ICX Waterline Treatment Tablets

    Backed by four decades of infection control innovations from A‑dec, ICX waterline treatment tablets offer a simple and effective solution for waterline maintenance.

    The residual effect of the tablets protects waterlines during periods of non-use (lasting up to two weeks.)

    Saves time
    The effervescent tablet dissolves on its own. There's no measuring, mixing, or mess.

    Safe for equipment
    Since the concentration of ingredients in the water remains very low, ICX won't harm your equipment.

    Easy to use
    Simply add one tablet to an empty self-contained water bottle before each filling. As the tablet dissolves, it releases ingredients into the water that help maintain less than or equal to 10 colony forming units (CFU) per milliliter, preventing the accumulation of odor and foul-tasting bacteria.
    As with all waterline protocols, quality results require adherence to the manufacturer's recommended process, including a periodic water quality monitoring program.

    • Three active ingredients. Includes sodium percarbonate, silver nitrate, and cationic surfactants
    • Simple single-dose packets. Eliminates measuring, mixing, and messy solutions
    • 0.7L and 2L tablets, accommodates two water bottle sizes

    Maintain. Monitor. Shock. Three steps to clean.

    Along with a daily waterline maintenance protocol, it's important to monitor water quality and periodically shock the lines to clear deposits and contamination. These three steps help maintain your dental unit waterlines.

    • Maintain waterlines with the daily use of ICX to prevent accumulation of odor and foul-tasting bacteria
    • Regularly monitor dental unit water quality using a water monitoring test kit or laboratory services
    • Use ICX Renew to shock the waterlines whenever waterline bacteria levels exceed your established water quality action level
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