IPS Empress Direct® Effect, Opaque and Color

Flowable characterization materials

Unique like natural teeth

IPS Empress® Direct Effect, IPS Empress® Direct Opaque and IPS Empress® Direct Color are flowable, light-curing materials for the characterization and customization of direct restorations in anterior and posterior teeth.

IPS Empress® Direct Effect

The IPS Empress Direct Effect material allows you to faithfully imitate challenging features such as the opalescent characteristics of the natural tooth.

  • Available in the variant Trans Opal
  • Flowable consistency enables precise characterization
  • Application as the covering layer or under the final covering layer
  • Can be combined with the sculptable composite IPS Empress Direct and the other Effect materials: IPS Empress Direct Color und IPS Empress Direct Opaque


  • Halo and opalescent effect
  • Creation of high translucency in the incisal third
  • Accentuation of mamelons
  • Repair of composite restorations

Accentuation of mamelons and application pf opalescent effects with IPS Empress Direct Effect Trans Opal

IPS Empress® Direct Color

IPS Empress Direct Color is used to faithfully imitate stains and other effects in direct composite resin restorations.

  • Available in six shades: white, honey, blue, ochre, brown and grey
  • Precise characterization due to very thin cannula
  • Undiluted application on composite resin or ceramic
  • Application under the final covering layer
  • Can be combined with the sculptable composite IPS Empress Direct and the other Effect materials: IPS Empress Direct Effect and IPS Empress Direct Opaque

Effects (depending on the colour)

  • Stains
  • Accentuation of the dentin core in posterior teeth 
  • Hypocalcification
  • Enamel cracks and enamel spots
  • Halo effect
  • Translucent or opalescent areas

Inegration of enamel cracks with IPS Empress Direct Color ochre and brown

Tip: You can also use IPS Empress Direct Color to characterize indirect composite resin restorations and chairside CAD/CAM-fabricated veneers.

IPS Empress® Direct Opaque

IPS Empress Direct Opaque is a flowable opaquer material that masks undesired discoloured tooth structure, exposed metal surfaces and core build-ups in the anterior and posterior region.

  • Available in a universal Opaque shade

  • The opaquer needs to be covered with suitable materials

  • Can be combined with the sculptable composite IPS Empress Direct and the other Effect materials: IPS Empress Direct Effect and IPS Empress Direct Color


  • Masking of discoloured tooth structure, exposed metal surfaces and core build-ups

Application of IPS Empress Direct Color Opaque