IPS Empress Direct es nuestro material restaurador altamente estético y esculpible para dientes anteriores y posteriores. Lo desarrollamos especialmente para satisfacer las más altas exigencias estéticas.
IPS Empress Direct te permite liberar tu creatividad interior. Si tienes expectativas estéticas muy altas, IPS Empress Direct es el material adecuado para ti.
Tonos realistas para restauraciones de aspecto natural
Una sonrisa duradera
Manejo fácil y aplicación intuitiva
Sistema de tonos intuitivo para facilitar su uso.
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The IPS Empress Direct shade system is logically structured and therefore very easy to use. A dentin substitute replaces natural dentin and an enamel substitute replaces natural enamel. This allows you to intuitively layer the most complex restorations and swiftly choose your shades.
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More than 44 million fillings[1], numerous clinical studies and countless case reports have proven the high quality and superb esthetics of IPS Empress Direct.
A clinical trial conducted by Dr Cerutti of Brescia University in Italy has confirmed the outstanding performance and quality of IPS Empress Direct. After five years in service, 70% of the restorations were shown to be in excellent or good condition with regard to their colour matching. The remaining 30% were in satisfactory condition.
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Imitation of enamel cracks with IPS Empress Direct Color ochre and brown
Photos: Dr Anton Lebedenko, Ivoclar, Liechtenstein
Application of fluorosis marks with IPS Empress Direct Color white
Photos: Dr Markus Lenhard, Schweiz
Closing of a diastema and creation of an opalescent effect using IPS Empress Direct Enamel and IPS Empress Direct Trans Opal
Photos: Dr Eduardo Mahn, Chile
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[1] Based on sales figures worldwide.
[2] Under optimal light conditions.