IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquids are ready-to-use aqueous metal salt solutions for staining unsintered restorations made of IPS e.max ZirCAD MT BL or LT and IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime using the brush infiltration technique. IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicator is a colour concentrate that is available in the colours red, blue and yellow. They are mixed with the IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquids to render the infiltration of zirconium oxide restorations visible and check the shade before sintering. This makes it easier to achieve reproducible shade results. IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Diluter is used to dilute the IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquids. They assist in lowering the staining effect of the colouring liquids to achieve lighter shades.