Få rabatt på din Bluephase PowerCure
Nu har du chansen att byta din ljushärdningslampa!
Intresserad av Bluephase PowerCure? Läs mer här


Erbjudande – 250 Euro i rabatt!


Vill du byta till en pålitlig ljushärdningslampa med korta härdningstider? Nu har du chansen att lämna in din gamla ljushärdningsenhet när du köper Bluphase PowerCure och få motsvarande 250 Euro i rabatt.

Kontakta Åsa Andersson för mer information 070-888 81 71 eller skicka e-post till asa.andersson@ivoclar.com

Gäller t.o.m. 31 juli 2022

About Ivoclar

Ivoclar, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications. The company's success is based on a comprehensive portfolio of products, systems and services, strong research and development capabilities and a clear commitment to training and further education. The company, which sells its products to around 130 countries, has 47 subsidiaries and branch offices and employs roughly 3,500 people worldwide. More information about Ivoclar is available at www.ivoclar.com.

Company media contact
Ivoclar Vivadent AG
Klemens Seyr
Bendererstrasse 2
9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein
D +423 238 6028

E klemens.seyr@ivoclar.com