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    Tetric CAD for CEREC HT C14 / 5

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    Description Ratings & Reviews (0)

    Tetric CAD are aesthetic composite blocks

    Tetric CAD is suitable for the efficient production of esthetic single-tooth restorations. The restorations are polished after grinding and then directly seated using an adhesive cementation protocol. Tetric CAD restorations blend in with the residual tooth structure in an optically pleasing manner* due to the pronounced chameleon effect, leading to an aesthetic result quickly and easily.


    • Veneers
    • Inlays
    • Onlays (e.g. occlusal veneers, partial crowns)
    • Crowns

    Easy and efficient processing
    Only few steps are required to fabricate an aesthetic restoration from Tetric CAD: design, grind, polish – done. The restoration can be immediately seated. Tetric CAD is characterised by excellent polishing
    properties and intraoral repairability, thus streamlining the fabrication of restorations.

    Tooth-structure preserving preparation
    Tetric CAD restorations feature high strength, even if used in cases where space is limited. Thinly tapered margins can be produced without material chipping, allowing for tooth-structure preserving preparations.

    Natural integration
    Due to the pronounced chameleon effect, Tetric CAD restorations blend in with the residual tooth structure in an optically pleasing manner*.

    * At natural lighting conditions. The use of artificially generated UV or UV-like light may result in a different impression.

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