One チーム。One ミッション。我々の舞台は全世界です。

Making smile people-みんなを笑顔に――これは、130か国で活躍する私たちの社員3,600人が日々情熱をもってエネルギッシュに取り組んでいることです。この共通の目標と文化の多様性が、私たちを唯一無二の存在にしてくれています。これはインスピレーションの源であり、イノベーションの源です。その成果として、今日そして未来にわたって、世界中の人々のオーラルヘルスと生活の質を改善するスマートシステムが誕生しました。






私たちは社員が主体的に活躍できる環境を提供しています。互いを尊重し、チーム志向の協力を促す文化を育んでいます。すべての人が平等な機会を得られることの重要性を確信しています。私たちの社員の出身国は60か国以上にまたがり、それぞれにさまざまな母国語を話します。一言でまとめると、私たちは多様性を愛し、大切にしています。私たちは社員の福祉、健康、安全にかかわるあらゆる事柄について、責任と先見性を持って行動することを約束します。私たちの「衛生・安全・環境(Health Safety Environment)」(HSE)システムはISO認証を取得しています。私たちは社員が独立して業務を行い、意思決定を行えるようサポートします。健全なワークライフバランスを実現するため、キャリアと家庭をうまく両立させるのに必要な条件が整った環境を提供しています。


"Flexibility and teamwork with a smile."
Elke Weit is a mom through and through and also the dynamic head of IT Digital Solutions at Ivoclar. Find out how she masters her daily challenges together with her team and with the help of a close support network. Take a peek and learn more.
We learn that here from Elke herself.
"The first product market launch was super exciting."
Dr Benjamin Gebhardt, Department Manager for Composite materials, reveals how much effort and commitment by the entire team is required in order to create great innovations at Ivoclar. The key elements in the development process include excellent teamwork, supportive leaders and a lot of passion and drive. What else is needed you may ask? Benjamin tells us more himself.
We learn that here from Benjamin himself
"The family spirit is actively conveyed."
More than 25 years ago Reyann Hemedes joined our production facility in Manila (Philippines) and our Ivoclar family. She has experienced the family spirit of the company in her home country as well as at the company headquarters in Liechtenstein. Allow Reyann to tell you more.
This is what we learn here from Reyann herself.
"I’ve enjoyed every day on the job."
Craig Garner has been a part of the Ivoclar family since 2009. By joining the team in Amherst (NY, USA), he has found not only a job but a calling. You will discover why in Craig’s video.
This is what we learn here from Craig himself.
"The international vibe is great."
Dr Tatiana Repetto-Bauckhage, who originally hails from Peru, is in her element in her job as a dentist at Ivoclar. She has been a dedicated teacher at the clinical training centre at our company headquarters since 2005, where she and her colleagues convey their knowledge and their passion for our products. In Tatiana's courses, the participants from all over the world experience a special warmth and enthusiasm. Have a look and catch her energy!
We learn about it here from Tatiana herself.
"I felt encouraged and told myself that I can also do it."
As a result of his hard work and commitment, Sotero Manreal has achieved a lot at Ivoclar in Manila (Philippines). Together with his colleagues, he does his utmost to make people smile across the globe. Sotero candidly talks about his experiences and the support he has received along the way.
We learn about it here from Sotero himself.
"You’re never fully dressed without a smile."
Grace Gerrity radiates energy and enthusiasm which she consistently conveys to her team. In her video, Grace tells us about how her work at Ivoclar has never ceased to inspire her for the past 20 years. Take a look and enjoy!
We learn about it here from Grace herself.
"Ivoclar treats me like a member of the family."
As a single working mother in the Philippines Marian Amping knows what is needed to assert herself. She joined Ivoclar in Manila as a CAD/CAM specialist in 2009. There, she experiences on a daily basis what it means to be part of a great team. Watch the video and find out from Marian how she worked herself up to the position of manager and why Ivoclar is like a family to her.
We learn about it here from Marian herself.



As a marketing specialist you will manage a product from the development of the initial idea to the marketing of the final product. You will be entrusted with a variety of interesting tasks: such as conducting customer, market and competitive analyses, developing content marketing strategies and designing effective communication campaigns. The expectations, requirements and needs of our customers will always be at the core of your efforts, because customer focus is important to us.
Dental Education
We are dedicated to supporting dentists and dental technicians in developing their knowledge and expertise and in honing their skills to perfection. Our commitment comes in the form of numerous education and training offerings, both remote and on-site. As a member of our Dental Education team you will inspire the international professional dental community, develop international networks and engage in an intensive exchange with universities and opinion leaders around the world.
Research and Development
As a member of our R&D you will be working in one of the most advanced research and development centres of the dental industry. In interdisciplinary teams made up of materials engineers, chemists, software and hardware specialists, process engineers, digital experts and dentists and dental technicians you will transform the ideas of today into the reality of tomorrow.
Production and Logistics
Our high-quality products are manufactured at seven state-of-the-art production facilities around the world. Quality assurance, LEAN methods, ongoing process enhancement and committed employees guarantee smooth manufacturing processes and the best possible product quality. A sophisticated global logistics system ensures that our products reach our customers quickly and reliably, whenever and wherever they are needed.
The future starts today: As a member of our global IT department you will be responsible for keeping all of our companies around the world up to date on the latest digital developments. Your valuable experience and expertise will be a decisive driver of our digital transformation process. We look forward to your proactive, reliable advice and support in your field of expertise: This involves cutting-edge technologies, further development of digital processes and process support, and IT services.
Services, Finance and Administration
As a specialist in the areas of finance, controlling, law, people and culture, quality management or corporate communications you will support other professional departments with your expertise. Our common mission is to realize and achieve our ambitious goals. Your work will be characterized by professional and constructive collaboration throughout the world.



Ivoclar は、一貫性と継続性を表しています。それは100年に及ぶ当社の歴史に裏打ちされています。私たちの強力な企業文化は、私たちの行動と決定を決定し 、私たちが生きて働くための価値を確立します。





















Ivoclarのキャリア・ポータルで求人に応募することを決意していただき、ありがとうございます! 求人広告欄で「応募する(Apply now)」をクリックするか、ウェブ上のフォームに記入し、必要な応募書類をすべてお送りください。あなたの情報がすべて受理されたら、受領確認をお送りします。



Ivoclar への入社

Ivoclarの会社との雇用契約へのサイン、おめでとうございます! Ivoclarにようこそ! 新しい会社に入社するのはエキサイティングなことですが、大変なことも多く、当初はたくさんの疑問が湧いてくるでしょう。でも心配いりません。Ivoclarはあなたができるだけ楽に新しい環境に溶け込めるようにします。新しい仕事の最初の数日・数週間には新人研修を行い、すぐに馴染めるようにします。充実した研修やミーティング、ディスカッションを楽しんでもらえるはずです。さらに、必要とあればいつでもどこでも多数のサポートを利用することができます。あなたはすぐにIvoclarファミリーに馴染み、その一員となるでしょう。



